
All about the Senses of Africa Breakfast at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge (and why you need to go)

All about the Senses of Africa Breakfast at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge (and why you need to go)

When I tell people about the Senses of Africa Breakfast at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge, they’ve usually never heard of it. I want to change that because it is just that awesome. Sometimes referred to as the Senses of Africa Tour, this is a unique Disney experience that you don’t need a park ticket to…

How to rent an RV

How to rent an RV

Do you watch those RV shows on TV and think RV life or vacationing in an RV would be right for you? If you’re not ready to take the plunge into RV ownership, did you know you can rent an RV? You can! In this blog post, I’m going to break down how to rent…

30 Learn at home activities your kids can do when parents need a break

30 Learn at home activities your kids can do when parents need a break

One of the hardest challenges about home schooling in “these weird times” is keeping the kids engaged every single minute. I’ve done a combination of finding educational resources online on my own, using our school’s remote learning cirriculum and teaching them how to do basic tasks around the home, like make microwave popcorn, slice onions…

How to Keep Busy at Home (When your kids are driving you crazy)

How to Keep Busy at Home (When your kids are driving you crazy)

Raise your hand if you’re O-V-E-R being quarantined. Closes eyes and imagines hands flying high everywhere. I have days when I’m fine…sometimes I have to keep reassuring myself that I’m fine and some days, I really feel like I’ve got this. Other days, hide in the bathroom and cry because the frustration over wanting things…

20 Delish Strawberry Drinks

20 Delish Strawberry Drinks

Who needs a drink? Whether you’re looking for cocktails, mocktails or smoothies, this list has something you’re sure to love, provided you like strawberries. And, who doesn’t like strawberries? You might want to end your day with some strawberry cocktails or treat your kids to strawberry mocktails or maybe you’re just looking for some new…