My Favorite Adoption Memes

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When we mention in passing that two of our kids are adopted, a common reaction is “Oh, I know someone who has adopted.” People often share stories about their adopted grandchild, neighbor, classmate…hairdresser’s nephew. When people learn they have something in common with you, they like to share…sometimes overshare.

Much of what people know about adoption is through association with families built through adoption but like with any other subject, the average person gets a lot of their information about adoption through social media.

In that spirit, I've rounded up some of my favorite adoption memes. And, did you know it's pronounced meem and not mee mee? It took me forever not to say mee mee in my head. 

Pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy…or if you're me, go get your cup out of the microwave where you left it half an hour ago. You might want to reheat it first, though.

1. Love Makes a Family

My favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals


2. We Match HeartsMy favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

3. Birth Mother's DayMy favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

4. Limb Differences

My favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals
OK, so not TOTALLY adoption related but one of my kids has a limb difference and besides…Nemo always makes me smile.

5. Mom. Just mom.

My favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals
Quite possibly my favorite one ever

6. No DNA required, thank you.

My favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

7. Not all rainbows and roses

My favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

8. A GREAT Instagram account to follow – AKA Big Tough Girl. I love this one:


Last Day of National Adoption Awareness Month. I want to thank you for allowing me to share a photo-a-day with you through this month. It is never easy to open up, to share your story, to be so raw and transparent….it has been so challenging and emotional BUT there is always something so healing about taking the time to focus in, dig deep and do some work. This journey is far from over, I am still learning and there is SO much I don't know or understand….but I promise you I will never stop. I will never stop sharing my story, learning, educating, working, processing, or feeling everything that this journey has to offer!! Thank you to all the brave and amazing members of the triad! Thank you to my family and friends. Thank you to Derek and his family! Thank you to the haters and the supporters. Thank you God for your hand in this journey. I am a birth mother, I am a Big Tough Girl™. Xo, Ashley Mitchell, Owner BTG #bigtoughgirl #btgadoption #photoadaychallenge #nationaladoptionmonth #adoption #openadoption #birthmom #lifeafterplacement #btg

A photo posted by Ashley Mitchell (@bigtoughgirl) on

9. And just one more because everybody has this same problem

My favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals
Last one…and this is not an adoption meme but we're ALL moms and the drudgery of laundry binds us together…or something. HA!

Thank you for reading!


My favorite adoption memes|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals
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Did you know…

Amazon's Baby Registry has an adoption option when you sign up. If you are in the process of adopting, sign yourself up! If you know someone who is adopting, share this with them and help them sign up. 

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  1. I love these memes! Thanks so much for sharing. I’m going to share this on Twitter and my Pinterest page.

    P.S. “Pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy…or if you’re me, go get your cup out of the microwave where you left it half an hour ago. You might want to reheat it first, though.” That is so me! LOL

  2. LOVE these! People get irritated with me because I don’t always clarify birth/adoptive parents and ugh. Whatever. My mom and dad are my mom and dad, leave me alone.

  3. Love these!! Your memes always make me laugh so much. That one Jenni made is also one of my favorites of all time!! I’m loving Ashely’s too. I hadn’t seen that one before and it’s really good!

    1. I think I’ll put these together more regularly…I grabbed what I had time for the night before #AdoptionTalk went live – you know…last minute as usual…but there are some good ones out there. But I really think Jenni’s is my favorite.