
Six questions not to ask parents of an autistic child

Six questions not to ask parents of an autistic child

April is autism awareness month. About one in sixty-eight children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It occurs in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions that can make having an autistic child even more difficult. I spoke to several parents of children with ASD and here are some answers to…

A day in the life

A day in the life

A day in the life of me doesn’t seem very exciting but we’ll give it a go. #AdoptionTalk is in its 14th month…or something like that. I’m stoked to see that the linkup has grown, gathered steam and brought life to more voices and stories. So now, a peek behind the curtain. My co-hosts and…

Post-adoption bitterness

Post-adoption bitterness

How many times have you heard someone say admiringly “girlfriend is totally rocking that angry, bitter thing?” How ‘bout never? Lately, I’ve recognized bitterness in myself. It feels funny, like shoes that don’t fit but that I’m wearing anyway. I try to shrug off bitter. Sometimes I can, but it’s temporary. Bitterness sneaks back. Sometimes I…

Why bloggers shouldn’t post sponsored content for free

Why bloggers shouldn’t post sponsored content for free

Dear Jill, We love your awesome, family-friendly content on your clever and creative website, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals. We would love to offer Ripped Jeans and Bifocals an amazing partnership and an opportunity to share our life-changing product with your readers. Wowza. Life-changing, huh? Is it special laser-guided tweezers that will eradicate those pesky chin hairs…

Remembering my father

Remembering my father

Yesterday was my last day employed by the bourbon distillery where my father worked 17 years. I made it 31 months. It wasn’t that I didn’t inherit his stamina and work ethic. My co-workers were interesting, good people, with laid back, comedic and gossipy personalities one grows up around in a small town. Time tick…