15 Hilarious Memes that Tell How Parents Really Feel About Summer

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Ready or not, summer is here. We're laughing because let's face it, laughing beats crying, breathing into a paper bag or locking ourselves in the bathroom with a bottle of wine and a bag of Hershey kisses. Well…maybe not that last thing. The peace and quiet of the bathroom paired with wine paired with chocolate is a pretty hard combo to beat. Here are 15 hilarious memes from some of the funniest parents on the internet that tell the story of how we all REALLY feel about summer. We're aprehensive. We're resigned. But mostly, we're just all in this together, getting through summer break one day at a time.

If you'd like to share the funny, feel free. You can click on the images to go directly to Facebook  and you can click “share” from there.

1.  Parenting PSA, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

The “oopsies, do you think the neighbors can hear us?” happens for us in about February, but we live in a very warm climate. No matter where you live, this season will come.

2. The pool equals a bath, Her view from home

My take? Totally counts. “Well, you did go swimming today, sweetie” is pretty much my summertime MO.

3. Just don't make me get out of the car, Foxy Wine Pocket

Who wants to put on a bra and shoes or actually talk to people every morning? Not me!

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4. Bathing suit anxiety, Close to Classy

Ugh. So much ugh. MEEEEE TOOOOO.

5. Stuff moms say during summer, Perfection Pending

All. Of. These. Things. So much yes.

6. Errrr…camp? My questionable life

7. Resting Summer Break Face, Sassy Piehole

8. Who's counting? Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

Me. I am counting.

9. We surrender, we surrender! Playdates on Fridays

10. It doesn't matter how cool your family vacation is, or how crappy the pool is, the pool wins, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

Every. Time.

11. Why is the wet? The 21st Century SAHM

Seriously, why?

12. Husband WTF, When crazy meets exhaustion

13. Ready. Or maybe not. RachRiot


14. But the park has WiFi, Ramblin’ Mama

15. How to survive a summer road trip with kids, Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

I hope you enjoyed these hilarious memes and I really hope you enjoy your summer with your kids. See also I hope you enjoy your wine and chocolate in the privacy of your own bathroom and know I'll be sending you a silent “cheers.” Or maybe an SOS.

Remember, you can share these hilarious memes with your Facebook friends by clicking on any of the images and share on Pinterest (if you don't have a “Mom Humor” or “Funny Stuff” Pinterest board, you SHOULD) by clicking the vertical image below.

Thanks for reading!

14 Hilarious Mems that tell how parents really feel about summer|Ripped Jeans and Bifocals

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